About Us!

Hey! I'm Salene.

Welcome to the world of Indie/ self-published writers. Here every writer embraces their creativity and amazing themes for captivating a changing world. All genres are welcome in Salene's surreal, mystery, horror, action/thriller, fiction/nonfiction/ science fiction, poetry, and textbook saga. Take a journey with each author, and find your favorite eBook and paperback book for reading. 

Salene's Bio:

Salene is a freelance writer, journalist, editor, and entrepreneur based near Indianapolis, IN. She has over a decade of professional writing experience covering a wide range of topics including health, wellness, science fiction, poetry, horror, and financial  concepts.  

Indie Writer Salene Hill

When Salene is not writing and content strategizing, you'll usually find her hanging out with her daughter and pets, traveling, hiking/walking, on coaching calls with clients ( a finance and life coach), buried in a self-help book, or binging the latest true crime show or psychological thriller.